It’s Free Pattern Friday!
Today, Euphoric in Pix and Whisper Lace (pattern link here).
There’s a lot going on here, but designer Amy Gunderson made it all work together.
Alternate colorway: Pix 103 Paisley, Whisper Lace 109 Amethyst
Eyelets, stockinette, and garter stripe…
Little “sproings” of fringe at the edges…
And a generous 70″ length, considering this takes just one ball each of Pix and Whisper Lace!
Change it up!
Plus, check out how the pattern changes 3/4 of the way across the row. This is a fun one to make and to wear!
Formerly part of e-book Happy Sock Shawls, we’re delighted to set Euphoric free today.
We hope you find something to feel euphoric about this weekend.
Happy crafting!