It’s Free Pattern Friday!

Today, the Bouquet Scarf in Deluxe Worsted Superwash (pattern link here).
You probably heard – the groundhog predicted six more weeks of winter.
Bleak, Bill. Bleak. We prefer to think of it as six more weeks of working with beautiful cozy wool, while still looking with hope toward brighter days. Enter, the Bouquet Scarf.

This bright and beautiful scarf has has enough substance to keep you warm – especially in Deluxe Worsted Superwash wool – but also acts as a harbinger of spring. Check out the blossoms in the lace!

They remind me of tulips, which start to bloom in our area in mid-March. That’s just about the time the groundhog says we should be emerging from winter.

The scarf uses 1×3 cable crosses and increase/decrease combinations to create definition around the lace elements. We’re classing this as an intermediate pattern. You’ll probably want to use markers around the repeats, just to help keep track. The final result will be well worth the effort.

We hope you have a fantastic weekend, staying safe and warm, and doing things that you love.

Happy crafting!