It’s Free Pattern Friday!

Today, Simple Scrubbies in Rico Design Creative Bubble (pattern link here).
If you’ve ever needed a quick housewarming gift, this is for you. We’ve created two little scrubbies that are easy, practical, and look cute!

One scrubbie is knitted (shown above), and the other is crocheted (shown below).

We made both of these from a single ball of Creative Bubble, a super-fun yarn from Rico Designs that’s perfect for bath and clean-up projects.

If you’re going to make both of these from a single ball, be sure you get gauge. It wasn’t quite “yarn chicken” getting both from one ball, but there wasn’t a ton left over, either!

Personally, we’d make a couple in different colors and include a bar of handcrafted soap. Such a thoughtful gift!

And of course, there’s no reason you have to wait to give it as a gift. You deserve some fun too, don’t you? Make a couple of Simple Scrubbies for yourself as a treat!
Happy crafting!