This is part 10 in a 12 part series highlighting designs from our 12 Days of Winter, Series 2 Edition.
Today I’m happy to introduce the Cardamom and Clove Cover – an ultra-cozy wool blanket that’s perfect to wrap around your shoulders while drinking a warm and wintry beverage!
I grew up in a place where it actually snows (when I say “actually” I mean unlike the meager, quick-to-melt amounts that we receive here in Charlotte, NC). To this day I find there is a lot of magic to snow days, and that was especially true when I was a child.
Living in a rural area, just by the border of a state park, snow days first meant shoveling the driveway followed by playing in the snow-covered woods for hours and hours. I rarely came inside until the tips of my hair were completely frozen and my feet couldn’t hand the cold anymore. Then, I’d make my way back home. While my siblings and I pulled off the six million layers we wore to stay warm, my mom prepared hot cocoa.

What’s nicer than enjoying a warm beverage with a cozy blanket on your lap after spending hours in the cold? So, to accompany this design reveal I thought it would be fitting to share a perfectly spiced hot cocoa with a touch of cardamom and clove. This recipe isn’t overly sweet, but it is very rich.
Ingredients – serves four
12 Days of Winter Kit Collection – Cardamom and Clove Cover Kit
6 oz very dark chocolate (I used 90% cocao)
4 cups of coconut milk (or your milk of choice)
1 pinch cayenne
1 pinch ground cloves
1/4 tsp cardamom
1/2 tsp cinnamon
1/4 tsp freshly ground sea salt
1 Tbsp maple syrup
First – knit, knit, knit! How are you going to cuddle up and drink hot chocolate under your blanket if you haven’t knit it?! Okay – I admit, hot chocolate is just as good for knitting this kit, so you don’t need to complete this step first!
Pour the milk into a saucepan. Set the stove to low heat. Add the chopped chocolate and stir, slowly bringing the temperature to medium. When the chocolate is melted add the cayenne, cloves, cardamom, cinnamon, sea salt, and maple syrup. Stir, sip, and adjust spices and sweetener to taste.
Add marshmallows – or don’t, it’s up to you! It’s a pretty basic recipe that can be adapted however you’d like. I encourage you to have fun. Heck – add some nutmeg in there if you’re feeling really crazy!

Worried about spilling your cocoa on your beautiful blanket? Don’t! The Cardamom and Clove Cover Kit uses Deluxe Worsted Superwash, so it’s incredibly easy to care for.
Remember, you can find the 12 Days of Winter Series 2 patterns on Ravelry.