Afghan Knitalong – Block One Check-in

Well, we’ve had some interesting developments here in the office!  Two of our knitters chose the Uptown Worsted Rocky Shore colors, but they each went their own way with it.

First, let’s look at Jen’s block.

Square 1 Jen

Jen chose 321 Chocolate Brown as her background.  Having seen the light background of the Cupcake Parade example, this hadn’t occurred to me to do!  It’s certainly a more sophisticated look.

And now Katie’s block.

Katie 1 Cubed

It’s the exact same colorway, but she reversed the main color and the upper left block from Jen’s choice, making 303 Cream her background.   It’s going to be fascinating seeing how these two variations on a theme turn out!

For my colors, I mixed and matched from several options.

Heather 1 Cubed

The main color is 322 Silver Grey, with accents of 336 Coffee, 302 White Glow, and 331 Sapphire.  It was a bit of a nail-biter picking a different group of colors, but I’m pleased so far.  I’ve got another color to add in for the next block.

Of course the back side of all of our blocks is a bit of a nest.

Heather 1 Cubed back side

Not to worry, though.  Amy’s got a video coming up with tips on weaving in ends.

Want to join us?  You can click here for a link to the first block pattern.  Stop back by the afghan topic on our blog or check in on our Ravelry knitalong group to stay up to date.  We’ll see you next week with the second intarsia square!

Afghan Knitalong – Let’s get started!

And away we go!

1 Cubed blog

Amy Gunderson starts off our knitalong with a geometric square called “Cubed.”  You can get the pattern at this link.  It takes our “don’t be a square” theme and turns it on its head with squares within a square.

This square is a great basic introduction to intarsia, a method of working blocks of color without carrying your yarn over long stretches across the back of your work.  We’ve put together a video tutorial to further explain.


Our next square in two weeks will be slightly more advanced intarsia (but only slightly!) and will also feature a video.  Amy will also take us through some great methods for weaving in ends.

We’re casting on here at at the office and are already enjoying seeing how each others’ colors are working up!   Feel free to share your own work here, or on Facebook or in our Ravelry afghan group.

Let’s get going!