First things first – we originally thought of starting the Don’t Be A Square Afghan Knitalong on the 15th. Then we looked at a calendar and realized that was a Saturday. We’d like to be here in the office to answer any questions, just in case, so we’re moving the start date to March 17th. What are we doing with the extra time? Picking colors!
Several of us here at the office are knitting along, and we’re mulling over the color selections in Uptown Worsted that Amy Gunderson has suggested.
First: Moderno!
As the name suggests, this is a very modern selection. The burst of color from the magenta provides a focal point for the afghan. The lime plays very well with the hot color, tying the neutrals together with the almost neon intensity for a very vibrant finished piece.
Next: Little One!
Obviously, an ideal pick for a baby or toddler’s room. Uptown Worsted is very soft, making it a suitable choice for something baby would be playing on or under. Pastel and sweet, this would look great draped over the arm of a rocking chair – or as part of a blanket fort down the line.
Finally: Rocky Shore!
This has been a popular choice in the office. We’ve had more than one person select this for themselves. Earth tones with a pop of color, but less showy than Moderno. Can’t you imagine curling up on the couch under this?
Of course, as Amy herself points out, there are endless color possibilities. You should make your afghan your own – choose and change whatever colors you wish until you have a selection that speaks to you.
We’ll be back with a look at Amy’s other choices. Personally, I’m torn between Rocky Shore and Be Green, which we’ll show next time. Maybe I can do both…