IRL – Peace Out

All of our IRL features so far have been of our knitting projects. Luckily, Heather has come to the rescue to remind us there are plenty of other things to do with yarn, like weave!



Heather is sporting her very first woven piece, made on a 10″ Schacht Cricket rigid heddle loom. She used Garden 3 for the warp, and the under-appreciated Garden 10 Space for weft. I really love the way the Space looks when woven.



I am seriously impressed with Heather’s first weaving project. Overall her edges are quite nice, which tends to be the biggest challenge in weaving (for me, anyway!). She told me the experience was very meditative. And she was able to look over her project as she went, making note of the subtle things she was doing differently that made her edges appear consistent. It sounds like it was a great learning experience!



Although Heather’s “scarf” turned out a little short to be used as an actual scarf, she’s put it to good use as a headband. Heather says, “Peace out!” Drops mic.

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