Day 1 of Winter – Series 3 Edition

A cabled scarf knit in Universal Yarn Deluxe Worsted, featuring text that says 12 Days of Winter, Day 1, Aspen
This is part 1 in a 12 part series highlighting designs from our 12 Days of Winter, Series 3 Edition.

It’s that time again – the holidays are just around the corner. Unbelievably, we’re just over halfway through November. For most of us, that means we’re knee-deep in crafty gift-making for loved ones. Here at Universal Yarn headquarters, we’ve been working hard to keep the 12 Days of Winter tradition alive with a beautiful third installment. We’re so excited to share these projects with you. Whether you are looking for a gift for a special yarn-loving person in your life, or for the perfect gift to make, we’ve got you covered.
A cabled scarf knit in Universal Yarn Deluxe Worsted
This year we’re kicking off the collection with a scarf designed by the talented Adrienne Larsen. Aspen is one of those perfect, squishy scarves that’s just the right length. It’s beautiful – any worthy recipient would be thrilled to wrap this around their neck.
A cabled scarf knit in Universal Yarn Deluxe Worsted
The elaborate cable motif is simpler to work than one might expect, and by the time the scarf is complete, you’ll likely have it memorized. Inspired by quaking aspen trees, each cable in this scarf grows out of another. The result is an interlocking pattern that is sure to turn heads.
Detail of a cabled scarf knit in Deluxe Worsted.
Knit up in Deluxe Worsted, a 100% wool yarn, we’ve selected a neutral color that allows the stitchwork to shine. It’s perfect for men and women alike and is sure to work well with any item in your winter-weather wardrobe. Surprisingly, this pattern takes just two skeins, which are included in the kit along with the pattern. Surely you can finish this one in time for the holidays.
A cabled scarf knit in Universal Yarn Deluxe Worsted, rolled up.
We hope you’ll love the Aspen scarf as much as we do, and that you’re equally excited for the other patterns we have coming. Remember, you can find the 12 Days of Winter Kits at your local yarn shop.