Free Pattern Friday – Cloudy Day Cloths

It’s Free Pattern Friday!

Two washcloths knitted in Clean Cotton yarn

Today, Cloudy Day Cloths in Clean Cotton and Clean Cotton Multi (pattern link here).

What I love about Free Pattern Fridays is the variety in the patterns. Sometimes there are stunning crochet blankets like Sunny Shells, sometimes there are stylish intermediate knitted lace projects like the Paper Flowers pullover, and sometimes Fridays are for quick, easy, instant gratification, like today!

Can you knit? Can you purl? Then you can make these cloths. And if you can’t knit and purl, the Cloudy Day Cloths are a great way to learn! I always recommend dishcloths or washcloths as a beginner project. They’re small, so they bring a quick sense of accomplishment. Plus, you have the pleasure of seeing something you made with your own two hands every time you wash up. It’s a great mood lifter!

The Cloudy Day Cloths are also an inexpensive project – making both cloths uses just one ball of budget-friendly Clean Cotton and one of Clean Cotton Multi. These eco-conscious yarns are 100% recycled fiber, and are favorites for around-the-house projects.

These cloths are also an excellent skill-builder. The vertical lines are made with applied crochet. You’ll create a small dip in the fabric by working a purl stitch, then fill it in later by applying the vertical stripe with a crochet hook. It’s a handy technique that doesn’t require you to carry along a second color. You feel like a wizard the first time you do it!

We hope you have a wonderful weekend, filled with fun discovery and learning.

Happy crafting!

-Heather Hill